Dea Novianti, Yadi Ernawadi



Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Bandung Barat menunjukkan tingkat rata-rata pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Bandung Barat periode 2021-2022 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 12,1%. Sedangkan rata-rata pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan ke Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang hanya mengalami kenaikan sebesar 2%. Fenomena tersebut dapat mengindikasikan adanya kenaikan revisit intention Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang yang jauh lebih rendah dari pada kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh destination image, tourist engagement, dan tourist happiness terhadap revisit intention melalui memorable tourist experience wisatawan Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang. Sebanyak 164 responden yang berpengalaman mengunjungi Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Metode cross-sectional atau one-shot digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Instrumen telah dinyatakan lulus uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation modelling (SEM) dengan menggunakan alat bantu Smart-PLS versi 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa destination image dan tourist happiness berpengaruh positif terhadap memorable tourist experience. Selain itu, destination image, tourist engagement dan tourist happiness berpengaruh positif terhadap revisit intention.

Kata Kunci: Destination Image; Tourist Engagement; Tourist Happiness, Memorable Tourist Experience, Revisit Intention


Based on data from the West Bandung Regency Tourism and Culture Office, it shows that the average growth rate of tourist visits to West Bandung Regency for the 2021-2022 period has increased by 12.1%. Meanwhile, the average growth in tourist visits to Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang only increased by 2%. This phenomenon could indicate an increase in revisit intention for Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang which is much lower than tourist visits to West Bandung Regency. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of destination image, tourist engagement, and tourist happiness on revisit intention through memorable tourist experiences of Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang tourists. A total of 164 respondents who had experience visiting Orchid Forest Cikole Lembang participated in this research. The cross-sectional or one-shot method is used to obtain data. The instrument has been declared to have passed the validity and reliability tests. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM) using the Smart-PLS version 3.0 tool. The results showed that destination image and tourist happiness have a positive effect on memorable tourist experience. Apart from that, destination image, tourist engagement and tourist happiness have a positive effect on revisit intention.

Keywords: Destination Image; Tourist Engagement; Tourist Happiness, Memorable Tourist Experience, Revisit Intention



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